
Friday, 7 September 2012

zynga previous papers 2011

zynga previous papers 2011

1.Find duplicates in Array. I presented solution in O(n) time and space using hash.
  we can do it in O(n) time and constant space. Assumption: range of numbers is known.

2.Reverse a Linked List. Iterative and then recursive

3.Reverse words : "I love to play" becomes "play to love I".
  reverse each word in string then reverse total string

4.n=4 and k=3 . team name can be formed by four digits 1,2,3,4 . so n=4 now make team number using any three digits so that b1<b2<b3.
  Basically print numbers which are in form b1<b2<b3..e.g. 123,124,234 etc

5. write a function that takes two numbers a and b and returns a.b eg: a=10 and b=12 output will be 10.12

NEVIS NETWORKs Interview Questions

NEVIS NETWORKs Interview Questions 2010 IIT Guwahati
Test+ interview + Telephonic Interview

Selection criteria :
They prefer candidates with network project either in BTP or in MTP.
Test contains two parts, part A have C programming questions and part b has C questions and VLSI . U can choose either one.
Intreview (only Project)
Telephonic Interview(only abt Resume)
All the c questions are from Kernighan and Ritchie book .

Q. WAP for conversion string to float.
Q.Preorder Traversal for a given tree.
Q. WAP for DFS(depth first search).
Q. Question about storage classes.
Q. What is linkage error ?
Q. Program for Number conversion (octal to binary)

Q. Int i=0;
What is the value of i at end of the program ?

 Q. #define min(a,b) (a)<(b) ? a: b;
           Int a=5,b=4,k;
           Printf(“%d %d %d”,a,b,k);
     What is the o/p;
       Int a;
       Char ch;

  What is the o/p;

NetApps Written to Interview : IIT Guwahati

Institute: IIT Guwahati

Date of test: 3/12/2010

Package: 9Lakh

Paper Type: CSE B Tech/M Tech

Time: 1 hour only


Written Test:

They have 4 sections,
1. Apti and analytical
2. Coding knowledge : just showing the output
3. Computer c++/Os questions..
4. Computer Systems

My suggestion: Do not start from the beginning means section 1. Start from the technical round. Read the questions and no need to waste more time for long programs see others.

Some concepts from :

1. C++ virtual functions

2. Some from on network.. to transfer 1000 meter propagation delay and transmission delay was given. and asked for 1 bit delay equals to what meter?

3. One 1000ms time to short by one PC of 1000 values by quick sort. What time require to solve 100 values in that PC

Ans: 6.67 ms

4. One system have 8 processor and 8bit require to access one block. and 12 bit require for one instruction accessing within of a block. Amount of memory have?

5. Some Programming questions on C and algo. Just not remember those.

6. Like quick sort complexity

7. U have given the code of insertion sort. But one line missing only. Fill this line...
like A[i+1=key;

8. Max heap is given. u have to insert two more keys. then what will be the inorder sequence.


Round 1:
4 question:

1. U have given two array A[n] and B[n+1]. A and B have same elements but B have only one elements more than A. Now U have to find out that element in O(n).

I did that
2. U have to check a number is 2^n or not in constant time.

I did that

3. U have to check a binary tree is BST or not?
Write the algorithm for that.

I did that

4. a,b,c,d are the four values. U have to find out the minimum with ternary operator.

I cant do that

Just within 5min they called for the 2nd round interview..

Round 2:

He asked many question:

1. Why u r doing M tech?

2. What are inside the process?

3. What use of stack in process?

4. What is thread? Why used in OS?

5. What difference with thread and process?

6. Why demand paging is required?

7. Write the code for writing the number of lines reading from a text file. And each line u have to print the number of words that have to print also.

8. What interests u to come in NetApps?


Round 3:HR round

1. Tell me about urself?

2. Scholling btech and mtech details?

3. Why u did BE in IT? Not in CSE?

4. What subjects u prefered?

5. What post u like? Development or Quality testing?

6. What u expects NetApps?

7. Will you have questions on NetApas?