
Sunday, 9 September 2012

cisco written questions 2012

1.extern keyword
2.working of extern keyword
3.linked list reverse and string reverse
4.some questions on subnetting
5.definition of cidr(class less interdomain routing)
6.what will happen when start bootup of computer in both diskless and diskfull computer
7.what will internally  happen when type
8.explain CIDR and ARP operating system zombie process definition  and how to find zombie process
10.what File pointer what is declaration
11.difference between unix file system and windows file system
12.belady anamoly and thrashing and segmentaion and paging 
13.process states(like ready and suspended and wait .....)
14.algorithms for routing(bellmanford and ford fulkerson)
15.multi tasking and multithreading ang multi process definitions and differences
16.can we use extern static at same time for a variable
17.diff between and static and extern

adobe recent paper nit warangal and nit trichy 2012

1.number of multiplication neded for 5^12

  int computeXn(int x int n)
   return x*x;
   else if(n%2=0)
   int y computeXn(x n/2);
   return y*y;
   else if(n%2=1)
    int y computeXn(x n/2);
    return y*y*x;

2.finding heigth of tree

3.fork 2 times ask to find number child proecss

4.given a number we need to find what is the number formed by last k digits

5.some questions on subnetting

6.Diff between typedef and #define?

7.Polynomial A+Bx+Cx^2+....+Nx^(n-1) this representation is more suitable for which data structure. Then P and Q are two such polynomial and how to add that two using that data structure. WAP for that.

8. Specification of variables in one language: letter follow by letter or digit.
  1. (LUD)*
  2. L.(LUD)* => this one right.
  3. L.(L.D)+
  4. L.(L.D)*

9. How Generic Swap of two elements can be implemented? that supports all type line int char float double etc..

10. Two rectangle is given with following data structure
rectangle {
int left_X;
int Left_X;
int right_X;
int Right_Y;
Two are in X-axis wise. How to find that they are intersected or not? WAP for that...

11. Free( P) How it decide how much space should be freed in c?

12. Head(aann)=a Tail(aann)=ann cont(aa,bb)=aabb;
For which of the following : cont(head(s),head(tail(tail(s)))='ac'

  i. aaac
  ii. abbc
  iii. accc
  iv. abdc

13.getbis function gives n bits from the position p of an binary no A.

14.You have to sort large data. But your memory does not have so much space. how you can sort that.

C Round:(10 question)

1. Diff between typedef and #define?

2. getbis function gives n bits from the position p of an binary no A.

3. You have to sort large data. But your memory does not have so much space. how you can sort that.

4. a[2][3][4] pointer representation

5. You have two threads T1 and T2 they are reader and writer respectively.
With some specification:

6. sprintf() function used how and what means?

An array given Arr[] which is in decreasing order. How many swapping required in
for(int index=0;indexa[j+1])

8. Finding Output:
int arr[]={10,20,30,40}
int varible_ptr=arr[0];
for(int index=0;index<4;index++) { printf(" arr[%d] = %d", index, *(varible_ptr+index)); varible_ptr+=sizeof(int); } Ans: output: arr[0]=10 arr[1]=30...

1. Given the binary representation of an integer in the form of a string of
zeros and ones, write a function to return the string representation of its
2’s complement. Use only one pass of the string.

2. An output based question which was very error prone and time consuming.

3. Given that file1.c contains a string definition as:
Char st[100];
Whereas file2.c contains following piece of code:
extern char * st;
func foo ()
If file1 is now included in file2.c then what problems above function may
have and in which cases?

4. Define a doubly linked list. Write a function to reverse a doubly linked

5. Write a function to return the maximum of three numbers using only
ternary operator (?:)

6. Given a 3D array as shown below:
int arr[3][2][4] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21};
fine the value of the following:


7. Give a one line description of the following explaining the difference
between the two:
Void (*ptr)(int * arr[], int n)
Void * (*ptr)(int * arr, int n)

8. Give Output:
int * x, y;
x = (int *)60;
y = (int *)20;

9. #define ADD(X,Y) (X*Y)
Some expression was given, you had to give the output.

10. Write a recursive function to find the GCD of two numbers.
(Hint: use repeated division )

Engineering Paper

1. Given BAC7 in base 14. Convert it to base 7.
2. A tree traversal in preorder and inorder was given. You had to construct
the tree.
3. A prefix expression was given, you have to evaluate it.
4. A long Assembly code was given, you have to tell what it does.
5. A hash function is given:
H(x) = ((H(x)mod1000)div100 * 10 + H(x)mod10)

Some hash values were given you had to tell which one of them map to the
same hash keys.
6. A Boolean expression was given, you had to solve it.
7. Given to singly linked lists A and B, find whether linked list B points
to the middle of A or not? Use only one pass of linked list A and B.
(If linked list A contains 20 nodes then middle node = 11 and for 21 nodes
middle = 11)

8. Two unsorted arrays are given A[n] and B[n+1]. Array A contains n
integers and B contains n+1 integers of which n are same as in array B but
in different order and one extra element x. Write an optimized algorithm to
find the value of element x. Use only one pass of both arrays A and B.

9. Match the following that can be used to implement the values given on the
left column:

a) Dynamic Memory management i) Tree
b) Printer Spooling ii) Linked list
c) File system iii) stack
d) Function call iv) queue