
Saturday, 12 October 2013

morgan stanly placement papers

Hellooo I m a student from Sardar patel institute of technology[SPIT]
I appeared for Following company .
Morgan Stanley :
There was three option c/c++/java to give the apti and two more section i.e computer sciene and quantative.
The apti question were totally from OCJP if u thoroughly prepared the katy sierra book then you can easily cleared it.
While the cs and quant where basic question.
The aptitude consist of quant,reading comprehension ,c/c++/java,SQL,and unix.
The c question example where simple for eg:
How many file pointers are created in the following code:
FILE *fp0,*fp1,*fp2;
Fp0 = fopen(“f1”);
Fp1 = fopen(“f1”);
Fp2 = fopen(“f1”);
Something like this was asked
The SQL and unix question were tough though
After clearing the apti the next was the technical interview round:
·         The first question he asked me was about near, far and huge pointers
·         Then he asked me to write a code about how to find the depth of the tree
·         What is synonyms in SQL
·         What is inode
·         He then asked me about my project
·         Need of recursion and its type with example
·         etc
  HR round which was a simple one
Aptitude format( had 6 sections):
1st section: 10 objective ques.
Analytical, logical reasoning and quant.
2nd section: 10 objective ques.
ques on C language
3rd section: 10 objective ques.
Java (5ques) + OOPS concept(5ques)
4th section: 5 subjective ques.
5 DSF ques.
5th section: 5 objective ques.
6th section: write 2 codes out of 4 .
10 cleared aptitude. One was me....
Tech Interview was all logical.
-Started with How r u Apurva??
-Tell abt urself.
-Wat r ur negative points??
- Y Quinstreet??
-They asked how ll u design a search engine.
-Questions on AJAX , page ranking.
-equals and hashcodes in JAVA.
-How will u detect a new web page has come and add it into database...???
He gave a hint:-What ll u do if ur friend's number is ll u contact him??
answer:- Trigger wen an event occurs , use callback() etc.............
-Which data structure ll u use for storing keys and links.
-How ll u store it in the memory.
And more ques n more................
-Last question: Do u hav any ques to ask??
HR Interview:
It was nice..very nice.
-What does degree/education mean to u?
-Are u placed?? Reply- no.
-Not any non dream company also?? Reply- yes.
-Then y r u here???
Sir coz blah blah blah.... He was not fully satisfied.
- Abt family??
-If u r an interviewer who do u think is the most deserving/potential candidate among other candidates.
-Few questions from resume.
-Any question to ask????????

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Microsoft Placement paper 2012

Microsoft Placement paper 2012 IIT Guwahati

Written Test : It consists of two exams conducted by some organization(not Microsoft).
Exam 1 : It consists of 20 questions mostly are from data structure, graph theory, operating system, computer architecture, output related questions. The time given was 45 minute.
Note : The exam was simple, you can easily able to pass it out. This is just an eliminatory for second exam.
Exam 2 : It consists of two programming question. Total time was 60 minutes.
Q 1 : A large passage was given to you, Write a program to print last 10 lines ?. If the number of lines is less than 10, print all.
Q 2 : Print the binary tree level wise ?. For example if input is :
  B  C
 /     \
C      D
       E  A
Output is :
Round  1 :
Q 0 : Tell me about your self ?, Tell me your interest ?
Q 1 : When you visit on your friend’s Facebook profile, there is a mutual friend section where common friends are listed, now let’s assume that your friend do the same thing, he/she visit his/her friend other then you, now the people other than common are connected to you by distance of two. Similarly think you are given two people on Facebook, how do you find this connectivity?. (Please give appropriate solution),
Now let’s think that some important people are given some weight(any), now do the same thing ?
Now calculate the most influential person? (Not an easy question, because of weights) ?
Q 2 : longest palindrome in a string ? (Need to tell in O(n) time complexity + O(1) space complexity)
Q 3 : What do you think, how the posts in Facebook are shown, to your page, as there are thousands of posts, likes, videos, images, links etc. shared by your friends, but not all are shown to you ? (Data mining question, have to tell appropriate solution which can work ?)
Q 4 : You have given a linked list in which each node have three items, 1) data, 2) a next pointer and 3) a random pointer which is pointing to its successor in sorted order. Replicate it ? (Need to generate a new linked list in O(n) + O(n) complexity)
After some discussion I ask a question to the interviewers
Q : Sir, Why can’t window also have similar system interaction as it is in Linux, for example they have given terminal, we also have command prompt, but both have a lot of difference in terms of system interaction ?
Round 2 :
Q 0 : What types of questions were asked in round 1 ?
Q 1 : You are the supervisor of an airport. What happens is that visitors are not visit your airport, instead they go to another one, which means your airport become unpopular nowadays, Now as a supervisor you need to find out what has happens ?, What went wrong ?,How do you find out ?, What is correct ?, How do you find correct one and at what cost ?
Note : All type of questions were discussed here, Hints for this questions,  you need to tell with the concepts of data mining, you need to tell how we get information’s and at what cost, then you need to analysis information’s.
Q 2 : You are given finitely many intervals in 1D, you have to design a data structure an efficient data structure which can answer queries of the form “In how many intervals the point P belong ?”, P is an input point, and all intervals are closed.  I answer B tree(think why) which is most efficient.
Then he asked me how to decide how many children should be there at a node ?, Design most efficient B-tree based upon information you have ?(need to think more about how to get information’s )  ?
Q 3 : you are given some nodes, and for each node a probability is given which will tell its importance, you need to design an efficient  data structure such that the expected search time as minimum as possible. (Hint : Use dynamic programming + binary tree).
My question to interviewer :
Q : Sir, In searching, pages have some ranking number, then are assigned some probability of their access, now as there are billions of pages and every day around millions of queries comes, how would the system do the job, what kind of data structure they use to handle the efficiency ?
Round 3 :
Q 1 : How are you ?
Q 2 : Do you want to go for MS or PHD ?
Q 3 : What type of branch is yours ?(actually my branch name is mathematics and computing, and after 3 year Microsoft allowed our branch to appear for placement, so they ask this question)
Q 4 : One question is from my project “Garbage cleaner Robot” ?
Q 5 : You are given a binary search tree, and a value(data item), you need to tell the left most right cousin in as minimum time and as minimum space ?(need to minimize actual time complexity, he need minimum order of complexity as well as number of node access should be minimum)
Q 6 :  You are given a ternary tree (a tree with 3 children at max with left, middle, right pointer at each node), create a singly linked list from it without using extra space ?