
Sunday, 9 September 2012

cisco written questions 2012

1.extern keyword
2.working of extern keyword
3.linked list reverse and string reverse
4.some questions on subnetting
5.definition of cidr(class less interdomain routing)
6.what will happen when start bootup of computer in both diskless and diskfull computer
7.what will internally  happen when type
8.explain CIDR and ARP operating system zombie process definition  and how to find zombie process
10.what File pointer what is declaration
11.difference between unix file system and windows file system
12.belady anamoly and thrashing and segmentaion and paging 
13.process states(like ready and suspended and wait .....)
14.algorithms for routing(bellmanford and ford fulkerson)
15.multi tasking and multithreading ang multi process definitions and differences
16.can we use extern static at same time for a variable
17.diff between and static and extern

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