1. Aptitude 25 questions : really Tough one Time: 25 min
i. You have 4218 no of balls. put 1 balls at top layer 3 at 2nd top layer then 6 and then 10 ... Continue in this way. How many layers are possible.?
ii. A B and C have chance of failure of 20%, 30% and 40%. To activate the machine at least two should be active. What is the probability that machine will be active?
iii. One circle two radius are perpendicular. Their connecting end of length 7root2. What is the area of that circle?
iv. Two mixture A and B mix in ratio 5:1. the price of each is 2:5. The labor takes .25 for producing per Kg. The rate per kg is 16.50. What is the price of B?
v. Two pipes P and Q fills a tank in 30 and 60 min. a person starts that at 5am to fill. he comes when it may fill but he saw that pipe R was also opened which empties that tank. Then he closes R. Now 20 min takes to fill the tank. What time R takes to empty the tank?
vi. A B and C are going for a party. A have 5 breads and B have 3 breads. But they ate same amount of bread. Then what amount C will pay to B?
vii. In a clock between 11 and 12, how many time two sticks will meet in integer no places?
2. C and C++ : 10 question Time: 10 min only
i. One b+ tree of order 3. insert 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 will require how many time to break the leaves maximum?
ii. Show the output:
mul(int b)
printf("\n %d",a)'
iii. one question from Normalization from database..
iv. one question from inheritance in C++. to show output. Parent child relations like that.
v. One task to complete take 50ms by single processor. But in pipeline processor will take 10 ms. What is the speed up for the processor when doing 240 ms sized tasks?
vi. Show the output:
prtintf("\n %s",str);
3. Algorithm writing Time: 25min
i. WAP to find out the day where you have given a date day/month/year format. You consider the date 1/1/2001 as Saturday as base.
ii. WAP to reverse words of a sentence. Like "August first is the Sunday" Will be shown as "Sunday the is first August"
4. Writing Essay Time: 5min
Topic: If you meet with CEO of goldman Sachs in an Elevator what what conversation will make good impression on You. 1 min conversation only
One thing must to say... Time is very less and don't waste time on only one problem others may be easy....
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